Past Events
Miss Jane and Nichaud

Miss Jane and Nichaud's Soul Bossa Revue
Features the vocal talents of Jane Clifton and Nichaud Fitzgibbon backed by a huge line-up of piano, bass, drums, guitar, horns and percussion.
9th Oct 2009 - 6th Nov 2009
Melbourne Jazz Fringe Festival

MJFF APRA Composer Commission Concert
Fran Swinn Quartet + aerialist/acrobat Rockie Stone
Special guests: Allan Browne Quartet ...three turks and a wasp
BMW Edge @ Federation Square.
6th May 2011
Bella Union Events

Mock The Vote
Wondering whether America will get change it can believe in or a chick who can see Russia from her house?
Want up to the moment political comedy and election coverage from some of the finest and funniest Australia has to offer!
4th Nov 2008
The Melbourne Folk Club

Mojo Juju and Karl S Williams
Mojo Juju and Karl S. Williams have been two stand out performers on the festival circuit in recent years - we think they'll be a perfect match for an epic night at Folk Club.
1st Apr 2015
Human Rights Arts and Film Festival

HRAFF presents a night of film and music inspired by the creativity and imagination emerging from the one billion people living in urban slums around the world.
10th May 2013
Lucy, Mooney, Pang and Associates

Movies @ Trades
Join cross-media superstar Sam Pang, comedy icons Judith Lucy and Tony Martin, Triple R's Fee B-Squared and Angus Sampson for a rib-tickling look at the world of movies...
22nd May 2009
Mr Nick

Mr Nick's Theatre of the Damned
From the fevered mind of Nick Caddaye (of cult favourites 'Mr. Al & Mr. Nick' and The Anarchist Guild Social Committee) comes a show to baffle the mind and insult the sensibilities!
30th Sep 2009 - 10th Oct 2009
Red Room Theatre

Mrs Bang: A Series of Seductions in 55 Minutes
"The only way to get rid of a temptation, is to yield to it … " Oscar Wilde
28th Sep 2010 - 9th Oct 2010
Bella Union Events

Much-loved Melbourne venue closes on 22 October 2017
Much-loved Melbourne venue to close in October 2017
22nd Oct 2017
Melbourne Practica Group Inc

Murat Erdemsel: Lecture, Workshop & Milonga
Melbourne Practica Group are delighted to be hosting a return visit by internationally acclaimed dancer and teacher, Murat Erdemsek.
24th Mar 2017

Murdena - Single Launch - Loraine
Join us for Murdena's launch of their new single, Loraine with Amarillo and Fenn Wilson
29th Jul 2016