Past Events

Launch of Politics in Contemporary Southeast Asia by Damien Kingsbury
Join us for for the launch of Damien Kingsbury's latest work, with special guest Senator Penny Wong.
5th Dec 2016
Poppy Seed Festival

Launch of Poppy Seed Festival & EOI
This is the new, vibrant, boutique grass roots festival of theatre, positioned to capture the imagination of Melbournians as it makes its debut in 2015.
29th Apr 2015
3CR Community Radio 855AM

Launch of Radical Radio: Celebrating 40 years 3CR
Join us for a joyous celebration of 40 years of diverse voices on 3CR!
6th May 2016
Whitmore Press

Launch of redactor by Eddie Paterson
Join us for the launch of redactor by Eddie Paterson
1st Feb 2017
Sleepers Publishing

Launch of SLEEPERS ALMANAC No.7 edited by Zoe Dattner & Louise Swinn
Come to the launch and get the printed book, the ebook or the iPhone app!
1st Dec 2011
Sleepers Publishing

Sleepers Publishing

Launch of Sleepers Almanac X
Joins us for the launch of Sleepers' final collection of stories - Sleepers Almanac X
1st Oct 2015
Hybrid Publishers

Launch of SMYTHE'S THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Robert Hollingworth
In 2004 the author found a little diary of 386 pages written by a 62-year-old man in a nursing home. This story is inspired by that diary.
14th Oct 2011
Hachette Australia & Philip Taffs

Launch of The Evil Inside by Philip Taffs
Hachette Australia invites you to the launch of Philip Taffs' debut novel, The Evil Inside - Darkness Waits Within
11th Dec 2014
Text Publishing Company

Launch of The Fighter by Arnold Zable
Join us for the launch of The Fighter by Arnold Zable
2nd May 2016

Launch of The Films of John Hughes by John Cumming
Join us for the launch of The Films of John Hughes
27th Jul 2015
Hachette Australia

Launch of The Hate Race - A Memoir by Maxine Beneba Clark
Join us for the launch of Maxine Beneba Clarke's memoir
10th Aug 2016