Past Event
YoWo Music Debut EP Launch
13th Sep 2015 - 27th Nov 2016

Presenter: YoWo Music
Event Duration: 300 minutes
YoWo Music formed in 2015 to give young women in high school an opportunity to play and learn about music in a supportive environment. Just over one year later, YoWo Music is releasing their debut EP; a ripper four tracks of original tunes written and played by this group of amazing young women.
Support by the amazing Allysha Joy
YoWo Music is a contemporary music program aimed at high school aged girls interested in pursuing music. Each program lasts one semester, with weekly workshops every Sunday morning held in East Brunswick.
FIRST SET @ 2.30PM ~ LAST SET @ 4.00PM
Patrons under 18 years old must be accompanied by a responsible adult.