Past Event
Launch of Sleepers Almanac X
1st Oct 2015

Presenter: Sleepers Publishing
Event Duration: 180 minutes
The result is always a heartbreaking and hilarious combination of tales from established authors alongside emerging and completely new authors. Many Sleepers Almanac stories have gone on to be selected for the Best Australian Stories, a testament to the high quality of the stories in here. For anyone looking to indulge in stories that will entertain, look no further. As this is the final Sleepers Almanac X, this will become a collector’s edition.
Featuring: Melissa Howard Leticia Parish Sophie Overett Alison Strumberger Ryan O’Neill Sean Condon Daniel Harper Eric Dando Eleanor Limprecht Melanie Cheng Michelle Wright Jennifer Down Stephanie Barham Laurie Steed Fikret Pajalic JYL Koh Oslo Davis Gay Lynch Chris Womersley Jarryd Luke
“Despite the ever-increasing competition from newer literary journals, the high quality of this annual short-fiction anthology
remains intact.” —Australian Book Review