Past Event
Eurovision 2015 Vienna
22nd May 2015 - 24th May 2015

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 240 minutes
Australia, we tried to warn you.
We told you that if you got too close to the glittering costumes, if you spent too much time listening to the addictive tunes, if you lingered in the shadows of the legendary internecine rivalries, there was always a danger. But you didn't listen. You kept supporting the international incursions of Julia and Sam. You sent Jessica Mauboy to sing at the semifinal, and did a whole bit about yourself on the main stage. You danced too close to the flame. You've only got yourselves to blame.
Introducing the 60th Eurovision Song Contest, live (on delay) from Vienna, Austria (following Conchita Wurst's stirring victory with "Rise Like A Phoenix" last year in Copenhagen). There'll be rhythms. There'll be sparkles. There'll be soaring melodies and wild dances. We'll welcome back Cyprus, Serbia and the Czech Republic to the competition (though Ukraine will sit this one out, and that's probably fair enough). And one lucky country will be making its competition debut ...
Watch it all unfold from the delightful surrounds of the Bella Union, where once again we'll be showing the SBS evening broadcasts in beautiful Bellavision and rolling out lovingly crafted themed cocktails, special in-house sweeps and voting forms, video segments and - oh yes! - some of our traditional live renditions during the ad breaks. Mingle with like-minded patrons in glorious costumes and giddy spirits.
You'll feel like you're in Europe ... which is good, because APPARENTLY YOU ARE.
Bella Union's annual celebration unfolds with:
First Semi-Final
plus DJs Andy Black and Kovacular Spectacular until late on Friday 22nd May
Doors open @ 5.30PM
Second Semi-Final
plus DJs Andy Black and Kovacular Spectacular until late on Saturday 23rd May
Doors open @ 6.30PM
Then it all explodes on Sunday 24th May in a glitter-drop of wonderment that is the Grand Final!
Doors open @ 6.30PM
So clear the calendar, polish your sparkles, and BOOK NOW!
And keep your fingers crossed, and remember the sage advice handed down to us through the generations:
Party for everybody. Dance.
Please note that our license prevents us from opening for the SBS live broadcast at 5.00AM on Sunday 24th May, but who can be served cocktails at that hour anyway? We'll be going into media shutdown on Saturday night to avoid spoilers for the Sunday evening finale, as per usual.