Past Event
Comedy Debate - The Future is Now
30th Mar 2015

Presenter: Engineers Without Borders
Event Duration: 120 minutes
For years TV shows and movies have boldly been predicting the future: robot vacuums, black American presidents and artificial intelligence in our daily lives.
So it's time to ask the question – have we arrived? When our mobile phones are more advanced than Captain Kirk's communicator and Siri knows what we are thinking before we do, are we part of the futuristic age? Or is the best yet to come, and do we need to jump in a DeLorean to get a glimpse of what the future really holds?
This event sees some of Australia's top comedians look forward, look back and argue the case as to whether or not:The Future is Now.
Andy Matthews
Kate McLennan
Jon Bennet
and special guests!
Funds raised from this registered Melbourne International Comedy Festival event will support the work of Engineers Without Borders Australia.