Past Event
The Casey Bennetto Project
30th Jan 2015 - 12th Oct 2017

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 120 minutes
Casey Bennetto returns in 2017 with more singer-songwriters wending their merry way through a collection of entertaining originals, rambunctious covers and peculiar diversions!
12th October - Conclusions:
The results have been collected. The statistical tests have been performed. After many years at Bella Union - first as Half-Arsed Thursday, then as the Summer/Winter/Spring Sets, and latterly as the Casey Bennetto Project - it's time for Casey and the band to draw their conclusions.
We can't pretend the data is unambiguous. There have been highlights (all of our wond'rous guest songwriters) and, well, some lowlights (Toto's Africa should never be attempted with anything less than a rock-solid footing). There have been miraculous reinventions, cosmic explorations, and probably one too many renditions of Total Eclipse Of The Heart.
But when all the details are sorted and appropriately classified, when all is said and done, will they find out what the Project is? Shannon Bourne, Dean Matters, Enio Pozzebon and Vincenzo Ruberto are co-authoring the final research with Casey - and the outcome may shock you!
There'll be deep grooves and funky fun!
There'll be tasty cocktails and the possibility of dancing! And more!
A BIG THANKS to all Casey's songster alumni!
Rebecca Barnard
Shannon Bourne
Alan Brough
Monique Brumby
Rosie Burgess
Sarah Carroll
Jane Clifton
Deborah Conway
Die Roten Punkte
Suzannah Espie
Peter Farnan
Jacqueline Gawler
Angie Hart
Emma Heeney
Charles Jenkins
Selina Jenkins
Sophie Koh
Xani Kolac
Mike McLeish
Ben Mason
Russell Morris
Carl Pannuzzo
Eddie Perfect
Geraldine Quinn
Tim Rogers
Kerri Simpson
Chris Wilson