Past Event
Oh What A Lovely War
5th Jul 2014 - 3rd Aug 2014

Presenter: Renegade Theatre
Event Duration: 210 minutes
"Ladies and Gentleman, join our band of "Merry Roosters" as we take you on a Music Hall Extravaganza! And tonight, we present for you, the ever-popular War Games!"
This year will mark one hundred years since the beginning of World War I - The “war to end all wars”.
Over that time, the human race has failed to change radically enough to see anything near an end to the violence and catastrophe that war inevitably brings. Put simply, nothing has changed.
In light of this, Renegade Theatre, in association with The Trades Hall Literary Institute, are mounting a production of Oh What a Lovely War’ the legendary anti-war musical play first created by Joan Littlewood and the Theatre Workshop in 1963.
The production will take place in the New Ballroom of the Trades Hall building in Melbourne, a site of historic significance, where the anti-conscription movement assembled during World War I.
The company hopes to bring together members of the activist community with the theatre community to voice our ongoing disgust at our own and other imperialist governments responsible for the ongoing involvement of nations in wars such as the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, as well as other conflicts around the world.
Buy tickets for the season HERE