Past Event
Eurovision 2014 Copenhagen
9th May 2014 - 11th May 2014

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 180 minutes
This year, all musical roads lead to the beautiful Copenhagen, where nation will again fight nation in song for the Eurovision crown on May 11, 2014. Australia's SBS will be sending their traditional envoys Julia Zemiro and Sam Pang to marvel at the contest. And Bella Union will, as ever, be peering over their shoulder - drinks at the ready, voting forms at hand, ready to dance and sing and occasionally shudder!
Yes, we'll be showing the SBS broadcast in glorious big-screen Bellavision. There'll be the traditional sweep and in-house voting. There'll be remarkably tasty themed cocktails to further inform your appreciation. There'll be a few of Bella's traditional surprise "ad-break" Eurovision live performances, which in the past have seen singers from Virginia Gay to Geraldine Quinn giving their best interpretation of a nugget of Euro gold. There'll be patrons in sparkly costumes and giddy spirits. In short, there'll be Eurovision splendour galore.
Join us, won't you? Our festivities begin on Friday May 9 with the broadcast of the First Semi-Final, then ramp up through Saturday night's Second Semi to the massive blowout that is Sunday's Eurovision Grand Final. If you miss out, there'll be Only Teardrops, but if you're there, you're certain to get your share of Euphoria.
In the words of a sextet of wise Russian grandmothers: "Party For Everybody - Dance!"