Past Event
DevelopEd Launch & Fundraising Par-tay!
27th Feb 2014

Presenter: DevelopED
Event Duration: 120 minutes
You know, we never had a launch party. Go figure. Well, that just needs to be rectified. Stat!
It's been a super-busy year so we're thinkin' it's time to let our hair down and also to say a huge "THANKS" to all of our wonderful DevelopEd friends and supporters.
We'll also be toasting the near-end of our (by that stage) marvellously successful Pozible fundraising campaign!
Please do us the honour of joining our hardworking crew for an evening of celebrations — great food and drink, even greater company (old and new friends), wonderful entertainment and a whole heap of other hi-jinks. A few door prizes too we think (no meat-trays though, sorry).
Food provided Free Burma Café
Hilarity guaranteed.
Entry is "pay what you feel".
All monies raised (as always) will go towards our pink education centre up in Lashio, Myanmar!
Please RSVP via our Facebook page HERE by 21st February
Hope to see you there!
x The DevelopEd Crew