Past Event
Ringbalin - Breaking The Drought
9th Dec 2013

Presenter: Engineers Without Borders
Event Duration: 120 minutes
The evening will include the premiere screening of Ringbalin - Breaking the Drought, a documentary film presenting a mind-changing Aboriginal perspective on Australia's great Murray Darling Rivers.
“In 2010 Australia was suffering the worst drought in recorded history. At the mouth of the River Murray in South Australia, Ngarrindjeri Elder Uncle Moogy was watching his ancestral home die, so he united a group of different Aboriginal River Nations in a 2300-kilometre pilgrimage to dance the spirit back into the river and into themselves. Ringbalin - Breaking the Drought tells the story of their journey.”
To watch the trailer CLICK HERE
Through the magic of technology, Director Ben Pederick will join us from Cambodia to introduce the documentary and share his thoughts on the significance of this film launch in Australia. He will also talk about sister project Ringbalin - River Stories, an innovative geo-located app that invites you on a journey along the Rivers, with Elders from the oldest cultures on Earth acting as your guides.
Check out the indiegogo fundraising page HERE. It provides many details about the App and its potential, but also shows how much money is needed to launch the full version of the App (so far only a prototype version was created). There are lots of prizes for those who contribute too! With this fundraising initiative closing on 20th November, let’s contribute now to make it happen! And follow progress on Facebook HERE