Past Event
Forced - Knowing Violence; Taking Action
22nd Oct 2012

Presenter: Young UN Women Australia (Melbourne Committee)
Event Duration: 120 minutes
The Forced: Knowing Violence, Taking Action forum will focus on non-physical violence, such as emotional abuse, financial abuse and social isolation. It will explore the different types of force and emotional violence that manifest in relationships. Importantly, it will involve practical discussion of what individuals can do to support women experiencing emotional abuse. We hope by the end of the night you will have the tools to make a difference in the lives of women, and men.
The 2006 VicHeath survey on community attitudes of violence, Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, show that few people view emotional violence on the same level as physical violence. However, the mental health impact of abusive control or social isolation can be just as dramatic as that stemming from physical abuse.
Our expert panel of inspiring speakers include:
Anastasia Powell: Lecturer in Sociology in the School of Social Sciences at La Trobe University. Author of the recent VicHealth report, More than ready: Bystander Action to prevent violence against women, and recent book titled Sex, Power and Consent: Youth Culture and the Unwritten Rules.
Roshan Bhandary: Program Manager with inTouch inc. Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence
Kelsey Hegarty: Chair of the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria Governance Group, General Practitioner and Associate Professor in the Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne
Ticket sales will raise money for the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women.