Past Event

Armchair Pollies

3rd Aug 2012 - 24th Aug 2012

Event Image

Presenter: Alan Brough
Event Duration: 90 minutes

Come and watch interesting, funny people take the piss out of politics and politicians. It’s that simple.

Round Four Players are:
* Lorelei Vashti
* Michael Williams
* Justin Heazlewood
* Geraldine Quinn

Round Three Players were:
* Justin Hamilton
* Kate McLennan
* Chris Berg
* Toby Sullivan

Round Two Players were:
* Lehmo
* Waleed Aly
* Meshel Laurie
* Sofija Stefanovic

Round One Players were:
* Meshel Laurie
* Michael Williams
* Casey Bennetto
* Toby Sullivan

Think of it as a cross between Q&A and a cock-fight.

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