Past Event
Somebody To Love: A Tribute to the Songs of Queen
14th Apr 2012

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 150 minutes
In 2004, Scott Edgar and Cam Bruce put together a musical benefit for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)- a concert featuring the songs of the late, great Ray Charles, as performed by an array of talented musicians and comedians. The tradition has continued every year since then, with a different songwriter or band as the focus - Burt Bacharach, Bob Dylan, They Might Be Giants, Prince, David Bowie, Carole King and The Cure have all featured over the years, and Clare Bowditch, Tim Minchin, Angie Hart, Lior, Rebecca Barnard, Eddie Perfect, Tripod and many, many more have paid tribute to their favourites. Oh, and the whole thing's raised over $30,000 for the ASRC in the process.
Well, for all that time, a secret flame has been burning. Would this be the year? Could we all find a kind of magic and join in one vision?
Could we play the game? Year after year, under pressure, we were hoping it would be time to break free (God knows we wanted to!) - but no, it seemed like we were always waiting for the hammer to fall as another one bit the dust.
No more! No more, we say! The time has come. The 2012 ASRC Tribute is dedicated to Mercury, May, Deacon and Taylor: the almighty Queen.
This is gonna be massive - best friends and champions, fat-bottomed girls and princes of the universe, a pack of talented musicians and a throng of special guest artists coming together in a mighty FLASH! to create a rhapsody of killer Queen performances, reinterpretations and entertainments. If you're unfamiliar with the pleasure of their Majesties, all we can say is: come on down to Bella Union late on Saturday April 14. You're sure to find Somebody To Love.
* * * * *
The Killer Queens and Princes of the Universe performing will include:
Eddie Perfect
Geraldine Quinn
Andrew McClelland
Die Roten Punkte
The Twoks
Selina Jenkins
Wes Snelling with Stephen 'Twist'
Tina Del Twiste
Ben McKenzie
Anyone for Tennis?
Mike McLeish
Casey Bennetto
Kirsty Joosten
AND a band of (We Are The) Champions including:
Enio Pozzebon
Scott Edgar
Casey Bennetto
Roger Bergodaz
Xani Kolac
Matt Coleman