Past Event
A Very Bella Christmas 2011
23rd Dec 2011

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 180 minutes
Christmas is a special time at Bella Union: a time for loving, a time for togetherness, a time for disassembling Christmas carols wholesale and rearranging them in strange Frankenstein shapes.
In previous years, Adam Hills and Ali McGregor gave us their Fairytale Of New York, Geraldine Quinn took Jingle Bells by way of Lily Allen (“Dashing through the snow in an open sleigh ‘cos the filth took away my licence”), The Little Drummer Boy got schooled in soul by Carl Pannuzzo, Eddie Perfect took us to a very Barry White Christmas, and backing band the Bella Fellas bravely attempted to play John Denver’s Rocky Mountain Christmas album in its entirety.
On December 23rd, whether you're closing up your business for the year or fighting your way through hordes of city shoppers in a frantic effort to knock off those last few prezzies, you should cut yourself some slack. Give yourself a break. Come to A Very Bella Christmas at 7.30pm, catch up with friends and warble along to the most soulful, deep, funky and strange renditions of seasonal standards it may ever be your peculiar pleasure to hear.
Featuring performances by:
* Rosemarie Harris
* Eddie Perfect
* Cast members from The Terminativity including Mike McLeish, Steven Gates, to name a few, and of course,
* The Bella Fellas - Casey Bennetto, Matthew Bird, Nick Karasavvidis, Vincenzo Ruberto, Ross McFerran and Enio Pozzebon.
It's naughty. It's nice. (It goes on both lists.) It'll jingle your bells and roast your chestnuts. It's A Very Bella Christmas!