Past Event
Rock for Workers' Rights
21st Oct 2011

Presenter: National Union of Workers
Event Duration: 180 minutes
Poultry workers are intelligent, resourceful and courageous people. They can protect themselves and the consumer. All they need is for the barriers that are holding them back from producing good quality chicken to be removed.
The use of indirect employment methods such as cash in hand work and sham contracting in poultry processing is increasing the risk of Australian families being exposed to food borne diseases like salmonelosis and campylobacteriosis.
As consumers of chicken and supporters of workers rights, the Legends of Motorsport, Bakelite Age, Dead River Deeps and the Rebelles are urging the community to come out and support workers in the poultry industry to demand a direct employment model that ensures good quality chicken is sold in our supermarkets and in our restaurants.
Good jobs in the poultry industry will ensure we can safely buy chicken from our major supermarkets without fear of disease and sickness.
Come out and show your support!
Good Chicken; Good Jobs; Good Music!