Past Event
Launch of LIFE KILLS by Miles Vertigan
6th Oct 2011

Presenter: Sleepers Publishing
Event Duration: 120 minutes
Life Kills follows the dark journey and twisted mind ravines of a mysterious unnamed terrorist as he goes about his business. On his flight, stewards Bubbles and Sparkles, pilots Brad and Chad, and a bunch of burnt out z-list hackster celebrities face their own particular brands of demons. Our terrorist antihero faces terrible choices along the way, torn between burning passion and mindless passivity; and throughout, the Inflight Infotainment system lurks, ever present but becoming a more powerful and sinister force as the story unfolds.
Miles Vertigan lives and writes in a parallel universe near you. Come and align with him at Bella Union for the launch of Life Kills - another great Sleepers publication.
"Life Kills is social satire turned up to eleven, the bastard offspring of Ben Elton and TISM. Vertigan takes his hypervitriolic milk-thru-the-nose wit in hand and runs full tilt at a darkly surreal yet convincing existential caricature of the follies of self-absorbed contemporary consumer society, skewering them neatly on his perfectly balanced page-long compound adjectival sentences to devastating, jaw-dropping, giggle-inducing, read-it-aloud-to-whoever-is-in-earshot effect.” Adam Ford
“Such is Life Kills: a brain-distorting novel as wild, raucous and vital as any Australian writing since Ned Kelly’s ‘Jerilderie Letter'."
Emmett Stinson
"Disturbingly like being inside Charlie Sheen, at 30,000 feet."
Fiona Scott-Norman