Past Event
Ladies, Bring A Platter
1st Apr 2011 - 15th Apr 2011

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 240 minutes
The following items will be prohibited from the stage of Bella Union on Fridays April 1 & 15:
· iPods;
· MP3 players; and
· all other forms of digital music
No, it’s not an April Fool’s joke – would you really expect us to be that childish? (Don’t answer that.) We’ve simply decided to go old-school for the first of our April dance parties with Ladies, Bring A Platter. Join the fabulous Fiona Scott-Norman, Clem Bastow and Fee B-Squared as they banish all forms of digital music and instead get you dancing the night away to the retro sounds of CD (yes, CD has been banished to the retro bin!) and vinyl.
Entry FREE before 11pm - $10 at the door after 11pm.