Past Event
Night @ The Oscars
28th Feb 2011

Presenter: Bella Union Events
Event Duration: 240 minutes
For one special night every year, participants in the American film industry put aside their usual bitter enmity and seething distrust to come together as one in embracing a far more clarified and potent brand of bitter mutual enmity and seething distrust: the Academy Awards.
At Bella Union, we like to keep an eye on these things. You never know when they might get around to honouring somebody worthy, and this year there are several prominent Australian nominations to barrack for, if you're into that whole barrack-for-the-Australians thing, and why not? Yes, yes, the little kid from True Grit is probably going to make off with Jacki Weaver's Oscar, but you never know. Stranger things have happened. Remember when Marisa Tomei made off with Judy Davis' Oscar?
Even if you don't, never fear: there'll be plenty to celebrate, howl at and ruminate on in the broadcast of the 83rd Academy Awards. There's be fashion and passion and dreadfully uncomfortable segues, so why not view it in glorious Bellavision™ in the company of like-minded cineastes, fashion connoisseurs and riffraff? We pride ourselves on maintaining a discreet, spoiler-free environment (those who've accidentally gone online - or watched the broadcast - during the day are encouraged to keep the results to themselves) and conduct our own ballot to ensure the transparency of results.
It's a little bit glamorous and a little bit special. It's the Oscars. Come see it the Bella way - the full version with no ads!
To register your own picks, complete your Bella Online Voting HERE and be in the running for a prize on the night!
Don't delay - Voting closes at 11.00AM on Monday 28 February.