Past Event
Dave O'Neil is Happy to be Out of The House
28th Sep 2010 - 2nd Oct 2010

Presenter: Dave O'Neil
Event Duration: 55 minutes
Happy to Be Out of the House highlights Dave’s laid back and self-deprecating comic style and perspective on life for anyone who has been in a relationship and either has kids, has come into contact with or has had enough of their kids.
The easy-going comedian has plenty of material to draw on, including the incident earlier this year when he broke his leg, preventing him from doing the show for the Comedy Festival. Other experiences he’s sure to let loose on will include maintaining doing regular comedy (he has been performing for over 20 years) and TV gigs with a long-term relationship and being a hands-on Dad to three children.
So if you are excited to be getting out of your house too, and want to hear about Dave’s experiences, make sure you book tickets an come along to Happy to Be Out of the House ... FIVE NIGHTS ONLY!
“O'Neil's (Festival show) `Houseproud' saw the veteran comedian and new father reluctantly put on the apron strings to present a master class on domestic living ... O'Neil is a polished performer, whose cultivated dagginess and self-deprecatory ways are part of his charm.” - The Australian
“ Behind the throwaway lines and daggy dancing ... is his deep, dark secret - Dave O'Neil, radio announcer and everyman, is actually a very fine comedian”' - The Age