Past Event
Political Asylum's 2010 Election Extravaganza!
12th Aug 2010

Presenter: Political Asylum
Event Duration: 150 minutes
Calling all constituents!
Vote with your funny bone and come along to Political Asylum's 2010 Election Extravaganza! Two and a half hours of topical gags inspired by Julia's policies and Tony's speedos.
Featuring a quorum of Australia's best comedians including:
* Rod Quantock (chief rubber chicken of Australian comedy)
* Damian Callinan (multiple MICF Barry Award nominee)
* Catherine Deveny
* Courteney Hocking (Best Political Show, Comedy @ Trades 2008)
* Toby Halligan (co-author of the Rudd Staffer Journal)
* Scott Abbot
Hosted by Mathew Kenneally (Best Comedy, Fringe 2007), and including the campaign launch of Mathew's second run at Federal Office, with all his big new policy ideas, and why he should be the next Prime Minister of Australia.
Guaranteed the most fun you’ll have all election season!