Past Event
Liberation Bound: Aboriginal Solidarity Fundraiser
13th Feb 2010

Presenter: Ampilatwatja Walk Off & Anti-Intervention Collective
Event Duration: 300 minutes
A night of defiant live hip hop and reggae to raise money for the campaign against the Northern Territory Intervention. Featuring some of melbourne's finest Indigenous and left-wing artists, the night marks the anniversary of Kevin Rudd's apology to the Stolen Generations and follows on from a national day of protest for Aboriginal rights and against the NT Intervention.
* Bart Willoughby
* Pataphysics
* Combat Wombat
* Tjimba & the Yung Warriors
* Mr Morgz
* Little G
* El Moth & the Turbo Rads
9.00 PM - 2.00 AM
Tickets $10.00 on the door
All funds raised will be donated to the Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective, who work locally to raise awareness and solidarity for the communities in the NT, and the Ampilatwatja Walk Off camp, a protest camp set up in July 2009 against the Intervention by the Alywarr people.