Past Event
LiveAccess - The Guild League with Sophie Koh and D.Rogers
6th Dec 2009

Presenter: The Guild League with Sophie Koh and D.Rogers
Event Duration: 180 minutes
The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) in partnership with the City of Melbourne MetroAccess Initiative, a partnership between Local Government and the Department of Human Services is proud to announce details of its second LiveAccess event
This event will also commemorate International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated around the world to as a time for people with a disability, their friends, families and carers to acknowledge their abilities and contributions to our community.
LiveAccess was established to raise awareness and promote action around making venues accessible to people with disabilities through a new website and by hosting regular live music events. To make the campaign a success, YDAS is working closely with a wide variety of people, including young people with and without disabilities, local government, artists and the entertainment industry.
The show will be MCd by comedian and community television personality Stella Young (host of C31’s No Limits and Raw Comedy state finalist 2009) and.feature sets by The Guild League, Sophie Koh (solo) and D.Rogers.
The Guild League is one of Melbourne’s best live bands and this is one of the band’s only local shows for 2009. Singer Tali White’s other much loved band, The Lucksmiths, recently split up after entertaining crowds in Australia and abroad for 16 years.
Sophie Koh, was awarded the title of Best Female Artist at last year’s EG Awards, and released her second album All Shook Up last year.
D.Rogers released his third album of country-tinged pop Sparks on the Tarmac to a packed crowd at Northcote Social Club in June.
Bella Union is wheelchair accessible and is close to public transport. The event will be AUSLAN interpreted and attendant support will be available on request. For further information please phone Rebecca on (03) 9267 3766.