Past Event
The Wild Party
18th Nov 2009 - 16th Dec 2009

Presenter: The Wild Party
Event Duration: 120 minutes
The Wild Party is based on a racy rhyming poem of the same name penned in 1928 by Joseph Moncure March.
This original adaptation transforms the Bella Union into a New York club from the 1920s. The Wild Party depicts a booze soaked party thrown by a pair of small-time vaudeville performers whose love affair is sputtering out. Queenie the dancer, and Burrs, a clown of some renown, invite their friends to an all night soirée that soon degenerates into a drunken orgy of brawling, fractious love-making, and even murder.
With a pulsating, driving style The Wild Party describes a parade of bizarre characters and jarring incidents that evoke the end of the era of vaudeville.