Past Event
Sleepers Bumper October Salon
15th Oct 2009

Presenter: Sleepers Publishing
Event Duration: 120 minutes
Join Sleepers' very own Kalinda "Danger Game" Ashton and Steven "Things We Didn't See Coming" Amsterdam with Almanac alumnus Patrick Cullen and veritable mover and shaker, Emily Maguire on Thursday the 15th of October for a night of book and reading and word-talk.
Bookshop by Readings.
Tickets $6 at the door.
About Sleepers Salons
The Salons, inspired by the French salons that were "an assembly of guests... especially such an assembly consisting of leaders in fashion, art, politics, etc.", are an opportunity for Australia's literary community to come together. Writers, editors, readers, printers, publishers, copywriters, proofreaders, authors, booksellers, academics, students, educators, journalists, reviewers, agents, designers, web publishers and festival coordinators are all invited to share their experiences of today's literary journey in Australia.
The entertainment takes shape in the form of readings from novels-in-progress, talks and discussions, music, comedy, poetry readings and on-the-spot poetry writing, spoken word and song, balloonology, haircuts and the odd massage, and live onstage interviews.
Some of the highlights of the Salons so far: Curtis Sittenfeld on her latest book; Charles Firth on America; all the way from the UK, Jon Ronson; Jane Clifton and Angela Pippos; Linda Jaivin and Alice Garner; Upon the release of The Secret of Success Is A Secret, Sean Condon in conversation with Adam Ford; US author and filmmaker Dana Adam Shapiro in conversation with Eleanor Elliott Thomas; Ivor Indyk on the trials and tribulations of independent publishing; Tony Wilson; a discussion with the team from Cardigan Press; Gideon Haigh discussing the state of non-fiction in Australia; Jeff and Jill Sparrow, authors of Radical Melbourne, interviewed by Ralph Mclean; Andrea Goldsmith and Dorothy Porter discussed prose v. poetry; Antoni Jach and student-turned-author Sonia Orchard; Kevin Brophy and Cate Kennedy debating for the short story; Rob Drewe at the Sydney Writers' Festival; MJ Hyland; Kate Holden, and more.