Past Event

Belle's Paradise

29th Sep 2009 - 10th Oct 2009

Event Image

Presenter: Sarah Hillman-Stolz
Event Duration: 45 minutes

A self-deprecating and semi-autobiographical solo performance, Sarah Hillman-Stolz’s Belle’s Paradise is about discovering how love and life changes us and whether what you learn in ten years protects or hurts you. Funny, physical, awkwardly poetic, and unashamedly honest, Belle’s Paradise will leave you questioning whether growing up is really all that necessary.

Written in 2000, Belle’s Paradise told the story of 18 year-old Belle and her longing to understand the intricacies of love, relationships and her lack thereof. Romance novels and early 1990s power ballads shaped Belle’s idealistic notion of love and when faced with ‘real-life’ relationships, Belle feared her dreams were impossible.

Performed for the first time in 2009, Belle’s Paradise now becomes the story of the play’s 27 year-old author who revisits the work only to find Belle, a little embarrassing. Deconstructing Belle’s youthful angst, the 27 year-old explores her own, more ‘serious’ and ‘adult’ plans for the future. She surrounds herself with news bulletins, lists of things to do and much better music. But confronted by her own present-day fears and cynicism, the 27 year-old begins to question why she bothered growing up at all.