Past Event
Half-Arsed Thursday
3rd Sep 2009 - 7th Mar 2013

Presenter: The Half-Arsed Three
Event Duration: 120 minutes
The what? The WHAT you say?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's time. After thirty-eight months of hilarity, reinventions, improvisations, passionate covers and quirky originals, the time has come to bid adieu; the 39th Half-Arsed Thursday will also be the last. The original Half-Arsed Three Enio Pozzebon (keys), Vincenzo Ruberto (bass), Ross McFerran (guitar) and Ben Hendry (drums) and MC Casey Bennetto with a host of special guests (including Virginia Gay and Mal Webb), regular contributors, surprise blow-ins and more will take the stage on March 7 and, one last time, walk the fine line between heartfelt musical tribute and... crimes against melody and harmony.
Why, you ask? Because we've been as Half-Arsed as we can possibly be, folks, that's all. It's time to move on for greener pastures and fresh musical climes, to open our spirits to new ideas, and perhaps even to embrace the notion of occasionally exploring, y'know, rehearsals? Songwriting? Gig structure? Cover charges? Crazy concepts like that!
But before anything of the kind is even contemplated, we're having one last blast with the vast Half-Arsed cast. Thursday, March 7, at the beautiful Bella Union, starting at 8.30pm, and free as a free thing: come one, come all, and let the Half-Arsed Three transport you to an odd and hilarious musical realm.
If you've never been before, this really is your honest-to-goodness last chance, and it's going to be a LOT of fun. If you're one of our beloved regulars, get in here, plonk yourself down and soak it up!
Thank you to everyone who's come to listen - it's been a pleasure and a privilege.
But enough of that - what's in this drink?