Past Event
Hiroshima Day Benefit
6th Aug 2009

Presenter: OzPeace
Event Duration: 180 minutes
The existence of nuclear weapons, many on hair trigger alert, is a crime against humanity of unimaginable proportions and many are saying "Enough is enough!"
While world leaders like Obama and Rudd claim to be looking for a way out of this nuclear nightmare, the Australian Government is adding to the madness by Environment Minister Peter Garrett's recent decision to grant a new uranium mining licence to a subsidiary of one of America's biggest arms companies, General Atomics.
This year's Hiroshima Day Rally will be focusing on the new uranium mine and the ALP's total back-flip on this important policy issue.
But all that aside, it'll be a great opportunity to get together and have a good time with Martin Martini, Casey Bennetto, VideoDay and The Half-Arsed Three (Ben Hendry, Enio Pozzebon and Vincenzo Roberto).
These artists are donating their talents and time for this important issue and proceeds from this benefit will raise enough bucks to pay for our PA & stage outside the State Library on Saturday 8 August.
Tickets $10.00 at the door from 6.00 PM