Past Event

WaterAid Australia Trivia Night

10th Jul 2009 - 9th Jul 2010

Event Image

Presenter: WaterAid Australia
Event Duration: 180 minutes

WaterAid Australia is an international charity dedicated to helping some of the world's poorest people escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation.

On Friday 9 July, WaterAid is teaming up with Australian Water Association to host a Trivia Night to raise funds for the vital work they do.

There are great prizes on offer, not to mention complimentary nibbles and pizza orders on speed-dial. 

All tickets are $25.00, so get a bunch of friends together, register a table and brush up on your trivia knowledge! 

For more information and bookings contact Scott Gould

Proudly supported by South East Water