Past Event
Alice - Through the Looking Glass
14th Apr 2009 - 25th Apr 2009

Presenter: Tumbleweed Theatrical Productions - Alice
Event Duration: 60 minutes
Hullo again!
It’s not much fun being back in the boring old real world, with its silly rules and smelly boys.
What if we could walk through the mirror into another magical land – a Looking-Glass Land, where things are topsy-turvy and you can chat with chess pieces? A land of Kings and Queens and… and Humpty Dumpties!
Come with us through the Looking-Glass, for another fantastic adventure. You’d probably like it if you gave it a try.
Best wishes,
Queen Alice
P.S. I’m not really a queen.
P.P.S. Boys can come if they want to.
P.P.P.S. But no pigs!
P.P.P.P.S. Maybe one or two pigs. If they really wanted to.
Featuring four high energy performers who combine story-telling, pantomime, an original score and live music, this children’s classic will be loved by kids and grown-ups alike.