Past Event
Alice in Wonderland
1st Apr 2009 - 12th Apr 2009

Presenter: Tumbleweed Theatrical Productions - Alice
Event Duration: 60 minutes
Being a little girl is ever so boring. You’re always being told to sit up straight and not to bite your Nanny.
But let’s pretend that all the grown-ups and all the lessons could just…disappear. Let’s pretend there is a Wonderland filled with brilliant (and rotten!) creatures. Let’s pretend that the cards we play with can spring to life and take us on a journey through their magical world.
Come along and pretend with us. You’d probably like it if you gave it a try.
Best wishes,
P.S. If you see the White Rabbit, please tell her I have her gloves.
P.P.S. I promise not to bite anyone in the audience.
P.P.P.S. Sometimes I break promises.
P.P.P.P.S. But not this time, I promise.
Featuring four high energy performers who combine story-telling, pantomime, an original score and live music, this children’s classic will be loved by kids and grown-ups alike.