Past Event
Book Launch: Selected Poems of Lionel Fogarty
23rd Jun 2017

Event Duration: 90 minutes
We are pleased to announce the publication of Lionel Fogarty: Selected Poems 1980-2017.
This is the first selected edition of Lionel Fogarty’s poetry covering nearly forty years of his writing, and contains 174 poems from each of his 11 published collections, along with a range of unpublished poems up till the present. The volume contains an introduction, biography, notes and glossary and has been put together by editors Philip Morrissey and Tyne Daile Sumner with the full cooperation of the author.
Lionel Fogarty’s life work as a poet and activist has made a unique contribution to Australian literature and politics over the past forty years. Born in Cherbourg on Wakka Wakka land in 1957, Fogarty brings a priceless heritage of Aboriginal experience to contemporary Australian life. His commitment to social justice for Aboriginal Australians is the bedrock of his poetry and the source of its linguistic originality and creative power.
This is a FREE event, but please reserve your tickets to let us know you're coming.