Past Event

Belle Phoenix: Bittersweet Album Launch

14th Jul 2017

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Presenter: Belle Phoenix
Event Duration: 180 minutes

After almost a decade, the album, ‘Bittersweet’ has risen from the ashes like her namesake. Fusing noir, dark ambience and art pop à la Kate Bush, PJ Harvey and Lana Del Rey.

Bella Phoenix recorded her album in NYC with David Bowie band member, Mark Plati and will be recreated with Australian band Subterranean Sea.

Melbourne singer/songwriter Belle Phoenix packed her suitcase in 40°c Australian heat and flew off into a New York snow blizzard with nothing more than a pair of elven-style platform boots and a crappy acoustic guitar, a woman on a mission to make the 10 songs in her head tangible.

Maker of the Man, was the first single to be released from Belle Phoenix’s lost album, Bittersweet. After many months of exchanging emails and demos with musician, producer and long-time David Bowie collaborator Mark Plati (Bowie's band member during the Heathen and Earthling albums), Belle was invited to meet Mark in NYC. Clad in Gothic black (mourning the loss of her previous band), Belle was re-energised by the opportunity to collaborate.

She turned up at Plati's, Alice’s Restaurant Studio in New York – a space previously graced by both Bowie and Prince.

“I recorded the demos using second-hand and borrowed instruments which included a weird, 80’s synthesizer. 'I was in a frenzy to capture the orchestral sounds I was hearing in my head” Belle said.

Follow Belle on Facebook and Bandcamp