Past Event
Anchovies, Ogopogo and Seth Henderson
25th May 2017

Presenter: LS Presents
Event Duration: 180 minutes
Enjoy a feast of music with Anchovies, Ogopogo and Seth Henderson.
A delectable range of songs served with Irish and gypsy tinged violin, classically trained piano and the finest rhythm section on the north side.
Have your heart broken, your sorrows drowned and your feet fired into action by Anchovies, Food for your ears.
Bursting from the depths of Melbourne’s musical waters Ogopogo bring about a new wave of chaotic mayhem. The 6 piece musical scrambled eggs have been sizzling in the frying pan for the better part of 2017 and are now ready to be served.
Once thought to be just a myth Ogopogo has unveiled itself and started to rein terror on the ears of the faint-hearted. Ogopogo is the undeniable ruler of the animal kingdom and is a kind, benevolent master, but make no mistake, tickle her wrong and you will be devoured. This beast is by no means negotiable, expect brain twisting rhythms, colourful melodies, and lustrous harmonies.
Come sip the golden milk from the mysterious creature whilst soaking in the lyrics of a well gone mad mind. With songs that leave you in a paranoid state of never ending animal shadow Ogopogo cease to let you forget you are never alone in this fierce animal kingdom.
Check out Seth Henderson on Bandcamp