Past Event
Sex, Health and the Law
26th Oct 2016

Presenter: Women on Waves & Women on Web
Event Duration: 180 minutes
47 000 women die from complications of unsafe abortion each year. Nearly all unsafe abortions are in developing countries where access is restricted by harsh laws. Even with perfect contraceptive use, over 6 million unintended pregnancies would occur each year. Legal restrictions on abortion turn women into criminals.
We invite you to this special event to learn more about the intersection of sex, health and the law through the screening of Vessel, a film by Diana Whitten, and an engaging panel discussion with a group of esteemed experts in the field of reproductive health.
This event is to raise funds and awareness for what can be done to increase access to abortion for desperate women worldwide. All proceeds will be donated to Women on Waves, the subject of the film. Check out their websites here Women on Waves and here Women on Web.
We hope to see you on the night for what is sure to be an enlightening and inspiring evening.
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