Past Event
Courteney Hocking is Miss Right
1st Apr 2009 - 25th Apr 2009

Presenter: Courteney Hocking
Event Duration: 55 minutes
Woodstock, Che Guevara and party politics are dead.
Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser are practically dead.
The Rolling Stones aren’t dead, but they should be.
To the 20-something generation, these baby-boomer icons are irrelevant relics of a by-gone era dominated by bleeding heart lefties and fascist conservatives battling it out for the HMG (high moral ground). And worse, all this squabbling means they DGSD (don’t get shit done).
Courteney Hocking takes a blow torch, not just to both sides of the aisle, but to the whole of the house. John Howard, Peter Costello and Sarah Palin are the stuff of wet-dreams for political comedians, but Courteney also pokes her biodegradable stick at the Loonie Left – from Kevin Rudd to Catherine Deveney. And she does it right in the middle of their pinko commie nest: Trades Hall!
“Miss Right” is a breath of fresh air giving voice to a new way of looking at the political landscape. A must-see show for anyone who wants to know what the kids these days are thinking!
“Whip-smart…shrewd & funny.” The Age
“A cheeky glint in her eye and bags of unassuming charm.” Chortle (UK)