Past Event
Comedy Debate - We Should Start Again on Mars
19th Sep 2016

Presenter: Engineers Without Borders
Event Duration: 90 minutes
Is it time to cut the umbilical cord with Mother Earth? What new possibilities await a life on Mars? Who would go and who would stay? Or if we got it so wrong on Earth, what hope do we have of getting it right somewhere else? Is this just intergalactic colonialism? As humans, are we just running away from our problems?
A Brave New World potentially awaits us. But perhaps we’ll only truly appreciate what we’ve got when it’s gone.
Come and witness six of Australia’s top comics interrogate the moral, ethical and scientific questions that the possibility of an Earth 2.0 affords. Alternately they might just spend the night making awful gags about Mars Bars and singing Bowie numbers. It’s anyone’s guess.
A regular Fringe Festival highlight that routinely sells out. All comedians are donating their time for this event to raise funds for the work of Engineers Without Borders Australia.
Don’t get left behind.